Islamic Center of South Florida

Donate Now

With your monthly contribution, we can continue to provide educational, social, and spiritual resources to the Muslim community and beyond.

Transforming Lives: Give Your Zakat Al Maal to the ICOSF and Empower Your Community.

Sponsor an Iftar with Your Donations through the ICOSF and Make a Lasting Impact.

Zakat El-Fitr

Give Your Zakat el-Fitr to the ICOSF and Support the Needy during Eid-ul-Fitr.

Donate Your Sadaqa to the ICOSF and Make a Difference in the Lives of Those in Need.

Strengthen Your Community: Support Masjid Operations with Your Donation to the ICOSF.

Donate to the ICOSF Foodbank and Help Those in Need Access Nutritious Meals.